Part 1: Art by African Americans: From the Great Migration to the Age of Black Lives Matter

Wednesday, June 197:00—8:00 PMWatch on Zoom

Part I: Wednesday, June 19th, 7 PM - 8 PM
Part II: Thursday, June 20th, 7 PM - 8 PM

A Virtual Series,

Between the two world wars, millions of African Americans set out on an odyssey known as the Great Migration. In the course of this journey, they created a new identity that would alter the landscape of modern art.

Part I of this story will explore the rich contributions these pioneers made to American culture from the Harlem Renaissance through the Civil Rights Movement.

Part II will continue the saga from the age of Black Power protests of the ‘60s through the present day. Join us as we celebrate the rich contributions these pioneers made to American culture that continue to astonish art lovers today.

It ties in nicely with the Metropolitan Museum of Art's current exhibit, The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism.

This is a shared program with the Pelham, Pound Ridge, North Salem, Greenburgh Public Libraries.

Register Here.

About Our Presenter: Janet Mandel taught in New Jersey’s public schools for 32 years, the last eighteen of which were at Columbia High School in Maplewood, where she taught English, art history, and World Languages and Cultures. Now retired, Janet presents illustrated talks on a variety of art history topics at adult schools, libraries, museums, senior centers, community centers, and similar venues.

Our programs are supported by the Friends of the Somers Library through our patrons' generous contributions.
The Somers Library ~ (914) 232-5717 ~

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